An open source solution for the Workflow and Document Management

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Participating to the OpenFlow Project

The OpenFlow Project requires really diverse skills to be successfully completed, like:

  • document management;
  • digital signature;
  • computer security;
  • workflow systems;
  • networking/internetworking;
  • and much much more...

This means for us that the cooperation of many subjects is strongly encouraged. If you believe that the project could be of your interest as developers or as final users, you can contact us to define how you can participate to the OpenFlow Project.

We particularly appreciate the cooperation of:

  • IT managers in the public administrations interested in cooperating to the definition and test of OpenFlow ;
  • research institutes that would like to cooperate to the problems related to the introduction of OpenFlow in a public administration;
  • developers and IT professionals that have a strong feeling (like us) towards the open-source software and are interested in the development itself.

We do not want to discuss till to the death the OpenFlow Project, so we have started releasing an initial version of OpenFlow as soon as there was something to download. This version do no have all the functionalities of the complete system (in fact it has really few features at all), but it allow us to have something to show in order to say what we would like to do.

For the same reason, we would really appreciate any tangible contributions (like documentation, code, HTML pages and so on). These contributions will be included in the OpenFlow Project after a minimal review by us.

For furter information please contact Paolo Bizzarri at the following address:

Copyright 1999 I3 Icube Srl.